BHES Counseling Services and Resources
Tiger Tickets and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support Systems
BHES students work hard each school year learning skills to utilize when they are in the classroom, hallway and cafeteria, on the playground and bus, and while using technology. Once expected behaviors are taught, positive reinforcement helps continue the use of those skills or can identify areas for intervention.
The BHES positive behavioral interventions and supports system (PBIS) used since 2016 has seen a lot of success: The number of “Tiger Tickets” awarded for positive behaviors continues to increase (an astounding 632,420 last school year) while the number of office referrals continues to decrease (307 last school year).
The accumulation of Tiger Tickets leads to in-school incentives based on grade levels that are changed quarterly to keep students engaged, oftentimes including a "Dance Party" during school.
To recognize a heightened level of kindness, safety, and/or hard work, a student may be awarded a Golden Tiger Ticket, which can result in one-on-one game time with Assistant Principal Mrs. Moser to thank and recognize the student for their positive behavior.
Student Support Services at BHES
During the 2022-23 school year, a group of teachers at Bluffton-Harrison Elementary School was organized as a new student support team. Get a look behind the scenes as they work each and every day in a variety of ways to meet the needs of our students.